Effect demonstrated: - Breaking Glass/ Transparent lines
This looks quite complicated but it's really not that bad ;) We need do do the following:
(1) Here's the code for this thing and its attack <THINGS>
And here's the Attack: <ATTACKS>
NOTE: the sprites GLS1 to GLS9 are "borrowed" from Duke Nukem. |
(2) Place a line in the map and give this line a type of 500, which corresponds to a custom DDF line which will trigger an RTS script when it gets shot. Also give the line a tag number(for example 105) This is the code for the custom line (it's just a tiny tweak of one of Edges prefabs): [500] // EDGE Enable Tagged RTS SHOOT1
Now when we shoot this line the RTS script which is TAGged 105 will be triggered. |
(3) Here's the code for the RTS script which will be triggered by our line: //***********
NOTE: the textures GLASSP2 to GLASSP5 are "borrowed" from Blood. |