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Doom Port Add-on Launcher (Doom P.A.L)


Doom P.A.L. is the succesor to the now defunct E.S.L. It is a simple to use graphical front end (launcher) for use with the DOOM Source Code port EDGE. The purpose of this launcher is to set the command-line options for EDGE by simply clicking what you want and then launching the game, instead of repeatedly typing commands or making multiple shortcuts. It *should* work with most other source ports, albeit in a more limited fashion than with EDGE, but can't garantee it. It was created by me, Luke Brennan (AKA Lobo in Doom circles) and came about due to frustration with the command-line arguments when I was creating my TC, and the fact that I noticed there are a lot of MS-Dos virgins out there!



  • Drag and drop loading of Wad files.
  • User-defined config files (*.dpc files). You can now save personalized configurations to have different port configs for different projects.
  • Recent file list, which holds the last 5 DPC files you've opened.
  • 5 Customizable Buttons that you can use to call your favorite Doom editing Apps
  • DoomPAL warns you about possibly dodgy wad names/paths when you're adding a wad to load.
  • Support for Deh/Bex/Hwa files ("Get add-on" button)
  • "Package It!" feature to aid in distributing your TC/Mod, which will create a zip with all your TCs files and a MiniLauncher GUI program to run your TC in the source port of your choice, so the end user doesn't need to use commandline arguments to enjoy your work.



    Doom P.A.L - Main screen


    Doom P.A.L - Advanced options screen


    Doom P.A.L - Utilities screen


    MiniLauncher - FirstGen example



    DoomPAL v2.5 (zip) Doom Port Add-on Launcher. 385 Kb


    you must have the Microsoft .Net Framework 4.0 installed to run DoomPAL: it's very probable that you already do, but if not then you can get it from the link above.

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