Welcome to Lobos Den for all things EDGE
Contact Info: firstgen @ gmail.com
Project name:
M.E.G.A (Make EDGE Get Active) aka TYTL(Ten Years Too Late)

What is it?
It's a pack designed to run on EDGE 1.35 which includes: - High Resolution Textures and Flats for Doom, Doom2, Plutonia and TNT
- Replacement of most sprites with MD2 models (everything except monsters and HUD weapons)
- EDGE 1.35 with Timidity stuff set up for music
- Pretty launcher program to do all the hard work
Shout out to Liberation for beta testing it.
Currently weighing in at 280Mb, so have to host it externally:
grab it from Mediafire
grab it from DoomShack
Big Thank You to DoomKid from DoomShack.org for hosting it.
M.E.G.A. pack credits:
To the following resource creators. What I did was package it all together and tweak in a way that EDGE could swallow.
- Textures/Flats from AltDHTPv1.3 (https://zandronum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6132)
- Skyboxes from Sitters site (http://www.md2.sitters-electronics.nl/skyboxen.htm)
- MD2 models from an old version of Vavoom (https://www.vavoomengine.com/downloads/)