Welcome to Lobos Den for all things EDGE
Contact Info: firstgen @ gmail.com
Various EDGE mods by various authors
Some are only for EDGE-Classic. Others I have slightly modified to get them working.Total Conversions / Mapsets included:
- Operation: Arctic Wolf Revisited:An update/improvement to Laz Rojas' classic WolfenDOOM scenario with improved gameplay, all new weapons, enemies, new mechanics, more interactivity, more immersion, scripting, updated textures, level fixes, etc.
- Astral Pathfinder:Astral Pathfinder is a three-level modification which includes custom levels, monsters, and weapons.
- Batman Doom...for EDGE:Add-on for the original 90s Batman TC. Lots of extra stuff and scripted events to further enhance and improve the experience, including the removal of some issues with the original TC.
- CQB: 5 Map Special Forces mod using MD2 models for pretty much everything.
- Sanctimony: Designed for use with "Heathen" (grab it further down). 3 maps, incomplete project.
- Doom 2.5 (aka Doom3 in Doom2):Roughly follows a similar storyline to DooM 3, and retraces many of the same places that DooM 3 visits, but also visits places of its own, that have not been seen in DooM 3.
- QDoom: QDOOM is a total conversion for the EDGE source port based on Quake. The conversion has 12 levels, split into three episodes. All of Quake's weapons and almost all of Quake's monsters appear in the TC.
- GoldenEye TC: GoldenEye TC featuring new weapons, enemies and 32 maps.
- Doom 64-ified.: Replaces Textures, sprites, sound effects, music and graphics to create the atmosphere of Doom 64.
- Duke it out in Doom:A weapons/game-play mod of high standard that allows you to play as Duke Nukem in DOOM.
- Aliens: Stranded (Weapons Only): Just the weapons from my Aliens project. No aliens in sight ;)
- Doom Forever:Features improved and extended use of dynamic lighting, along with added alternate attacks for all but one weapon and alternate attacks/special moves for monsters to increase variety in the gameplay department.
- Damned:The mod aims to enhance Doom by adding random spawners to the sandbox that allows for an even more addictive arcade adventure. Replaces weapons, items and enemies.
- Heathen:A Heretic/Hexen inspired DOOM mod.
- Hitscan2Tracers:Converts all enemy bullet attacks(hitscan) to tracers(projectile). Makes it possible to dodge a bullet ;)
- Dark Forces/Star Wars mod: A Star Wars/Dark Forces themed gameplay mod for EDGE. Weapons, items, enemies and new gameplay mechanics.
- Doomed (music replacement):Replaces all music with a metal soundtrack by Marc A. Pullen (aka Fanatic)
- DOOM (4) inspired weapons mod:A DOOM (4) inspired weapons mod.